This is a very simple dish to make. I remembered my hubbie made this when we started to if my hubbie can cook this, then everyone else should be able to cook this too. =) My husband's great grandfather was originally from China. My hubbie's abuela (grandma) cooked really good Chinese food too. My mother-in-law taught me how to cook this dish. Here's the recipe given by my suegra:
4 pieces of chicken
2 cloves of garlic
1/4 inch of ginger
1 level teaspoon of sugar
a pinch of cumin
a splash of pisco
1/2 teaspoon of soy bean paste
3 tablespoon of soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon of chicken powder bouillon
3 spring onions
3/4 of cucumber
ajinomoto + salt + pepper to taste
2 tablespoon of vegetable oil for frying
On a pan, fry the chickens with vegetable oil for 5mins each sides.
Take the chicken out from the pan, fry garlic & ginger, then add pisco. Add 4 tablespoon of water, soy sauce, soy bean paste, cumin, sugar and chicken bouillon. Add the chicken. Let it cook with the lid close.
3 mins before turning off the heat, add cucumber and spring onions.
Ready to serve!!
A very interesting topic .. We thank you for your effort.....
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